Sunday, April 29, 2012

Digital Literacies

Doug Belshaw's essential elements of digital literacies:

elegant consumption------->remix

"digital literacy is a condition, not a threshold."

Not one literacy--plural, context-dependent, need to be socially negotiated.  Not sequential. 

Develop digital literacies in a more progressive than sequential manner.  Focus on interests, try to get them to develop intrinsic motivation to develop digital skills themselves. 

So we need essential elements we can apply to guide learning of digital literacies.

  1. Cognitive
  2. Constructive
  3. Cultural
  4. Communicative
  5. Creative
  6. Civic
  7. Confident
  8. Critical
Right at the heart of all of it is REMIXING.

"Grappling with important issues in playful ways can lead to serious consequences."

This is interesting, and I like his point about memes serving a purpose in some instances, but I'm having a hard time really applying this in a practical way. 

I suppose as a framework for teaching "digital literacy," these elements are important and could be addressed throughout instruction.  I need more time to let these ideas marinate.

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