Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Digital Citizenship

Today in addition to other usual "library" stuff, I observed my supervising TL give a lesson on digital citizenship focused on netiquette.  It was interesting to me how quickly the students sat up and paid attention to this--they are much more interested in anything that has to do with technology than they are on "old fashioned" library stuff, although many of them are interested when the TL does book talks.

What is obvious to me is that these students, as 4th graders, are already using technology or are on the cusp of really beginning to have undirected time online.  This is the perfect time to begin to address issues such as online behavior with them.  The TL let hem watch a brief brainpop video focused on netiquette as well, which they all seemed to enjoy.

This afternoon she was meeting with 4th/5th grade teachers to determine who is teaching which portion of the BIA required topics.  I would have liked to have stayed for that meeting, but I was not aware of it in advance and I had to get home for my children.

The collection development project is moving on, slowly.  It's relatively tedious work.  There are significantly more items in the 300s than were in the 400s, so it is taking a while to get through everything and weed out the items that I don't want to include.

I do not know when the TL would do this type of thing without an intern.  She literally teaches all but about 15 minutes of the day on Tuesdays and all day on Wednesdays.

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